
Olympus Camera Serial Number


My first PEN EE-2 for 990 Forint (ca. 4 €) was even cheaper then my PEN EES-2. the reason: a small sticker with the word “hibás”. The “not working” was the shutter, which did not want to release. But as my PEN EES-2 had some issues with the aperture blades, I bought it as a training model for the repair. Luckily, is I opened the body, it started, at least for two years, to work again. Until now, I could not repair the first one, but, one year later another PEN EE-2 was waiting for me at Soós Fotó, again “hibás” and again she makes beautiful pictures.

About the camera: The camera is nearly identical to the PEN EES-2, beside the simplier lens. The camera uses normal 35mm film but shoots in half frame. When hold in “normal”, it shoots in portrait, when hold upright, it shoots landscape. Exposure is measured by the selen light meter, (called “Electric Eye” b Olympus, therefore the Name “EE”) which needs no battery. Although it is often reported that those selenium-meters age and therefore stop measuring proper, mine all work fine.

Aug 19, 2015.CS: Serial Number; this should match the serial number on the bottom of the camera body.MCS: Main CPU Serial Number, Model No, Year and Month of manufacture.CSD: (From E-PL1 onwards) Relevance unknown. – Found by Dave on Biofos. Photographic Camera Attachments for the Purpose of Molding Camera Contours to the Hand of the Camera Operator Owned by: OLYMPUS CORPORATION Serial Number: 73411777. The software is available to Olympus camera users via Internet as a free download. (The serial number of the camera is required.). Olympus customer advisors are standing by with details of how to submit the camera for this free inspection. Martin trombone serial numbers. Alternatively, customers may send an e-mail to camera.repair.uk@olympus.eu. In this case it is necessary to include the camera’s serial number in the e-mail. This number is located on the bottom of the camera body. Note: If you are unable to register your product or advance to the next screen, please confirm 'Model Name' is displaying the full name of your product or you have accepted the autocomplete suggestion.

Taking pictures: It can’t get any easier: Take the camera out of your bag, find your motif, shoot. No focus, nothing. The cameras works fully automatic: just select the right film speed, (between 25 and 400 ISO) aperture ( F 3.5 – F 22) and shutter speed ( 1/40 or 1/200) are selected by camera in automatic mode. In situations with insufficient light, the shutter blocks and a red indicator is shown in the viewfinder. Due to the fix focus lens, the camera is even smaller and easier to use than he “bigger” sister. The minimal focus is 1.5 m and due to the smaller minimal aperture more light is need for shooting without flash. In low light, attach a flash (pc or hotshoe) and select the proper aperture manually.
To make photos against backlight, you have to “cheat” the camera by selecting a lower filmspeed, for example 100 instead of 200. The filmspeed is easily changed by this procedure (and when carried in a bag), so I usually make me a little reminder patch which I place in the hotshoe.

CameraPEN EE-2
Year built1968 (?), built from 1966 to 1977
Serial number3053416 und 3532373
LensD. Zuiko 1:3,5 f = 28 mm (equals 40mm on full-frame)
Film format135 film, shots half frame 18×24
Special featuresHalf frame
Manufactured byOlympus Optical Co. Ltd., Tokio, Japan
Date of purchase11.2009 and 08.2010
Price990 HUF/ca. 4 €
Place of purchaseSoós Fotó Budapest

Tips&Tricks: The shutter lock mentioned above is easily misinterpreted as a fault. To test: simply choose 400 ASA, point the camera to light an release. If this works, go to a 25 and cover the light meter, the shutter should block now and the red index flag should show up.

Film purchase & processing: I prefer 200 ISO, not too grainy and with good light sensitivity. You may use filmspeeds between 25 and 400 ISO. For the first test, I suggest films with 24 exposures as it might take really long to use the 72 pictures you get out of a 36 roll. Processing can be fun: every laboratory accepts the film, but the prints can be one per print or two pictures on one.

Useful Links:
http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Olympus_Pen (The PEN family)

http://olypedia.de/PEN_EE-2 (Technical Specification)

Olympus Camera Serial Number

http://www.butkus.org/chinon/olympus/olympus_pen_ee-2/olympus_pen_ee-2.htm (Manual)

Olympus Camera Serial Number Decoder

My pictures on Flickr
The PEN EE Flickr group